I just want to ask, is Trista available to interact with outside the cafe? I noticed that she is one of the characters who can get a double order and/or the fattening solution, but she doesn't seem to have a stats screen like the rest who have those options. Am I missing something, or are you not able to see her stats yet?
From my multiple playthroughs, nope. She doesn't even ever get bigger. You can hit her with double order with the fattening solution a hundred times and she will never gain a pound.
Alright, thank you for the information. Out of curiosity, will she be a pear build? And will there be other pear-shaped women in future updates? I'm very partial towards the bottom-heavy ladies, so it would be great to have more than just Bonnie. If not, no biggie, it won't detract from the fact that this is by far one of my favorite WG Ren'py games out there. Keep up the good work!
Trista is the ultimate pear, it might even be a bit too much. In terms of other bottom heavy girls, you have Sally from the hospital, Rebecca and in the future Hari will be added.
I'm not too far into .05, but what i've seen of the new content is pretty great. i think my current complaints are that you have to pay to check out books, that the PC has to have sex, noodle Daisy hanging out on the stats screen, the lack of metric, and that Luna takes off her glasses as much as she does. also the person lifting Katrine is definitely not the stud muffin PC shown in the sex scenes. good VN regardless of these issues or my thoughts though
Yeah, I noticed that too where Daisy's original body type stays on the stat screen for not just get character, but all characters.
Would be nice to see progression of all characters in the stat screen. Maybe even seen a slideshow of their progression as a bonus feature. That would be a nice plus.
The Katrine dude is the old PC, because i will rework Katrine her content completely i left in the old scenes. In 0.06 the stats screen will show the character that is selected with their current weight gain stage. You can toggle off scenes in preferences if you don't enjoy these.
The coming Luna events will have her with glasses on :P Idk if i want to make books free, i will have to think about it.
oh, i wasn't suggesting making the books free, i just think it should be a book store instead of a library, as library implies checking books out for free, at least to me.
Well, i has open the game and i play for like, 15 minutes... and i realise this use the imperial system. So can you add a metric system? As a non-american, this will help a lot.
You realise that with the development of that molecule in the lab, you'll definitely have to add pregnancy to the game, yes? It's to see if its effects will carry over to offspring. For science, as always! (So, instead of characters like Katrine sporting an I cup at age 34, they would have such a bust size by the time they're, say, 15. So, by the time they're 18 they'd be, well, massive or something... 😈😈😈😈)
Actually, since you've got a lab going, I'm sure the MC would appreciate research that could encourage the growth of some parts of his body... Maybe become muscular much faster... Growing a "third leg"... 😈
Hey, I hope this isn't weird, but can you release the image renders of bonnie? I love the character but I can't really enjoy her appearances since the text boxes blocks some parts of her body.
Maybe all image renders of all her stages and more if possible.
Also, would Bonnie ever get more stages of weight gain? Seems like only Daisy is getting nearly 20 stages.
Sorry if I'm asking too much of you. I really like Bonnie and your work in general.
Every girl will get more stages still, right now the game is in early alpha so there is still lots to come. For mobile i will still be tweaking around with the textbox and hiding it whenever we get to some juicy scenes. I'm considering to release a folder of all images on my Patreon.
I might be wrong but he just Released 0.10.0 why are we that many updates behind? Shouldn’t we be one or two updates behind instead of 6 too 5 Updates.
Hey, I always stick to the same plan of releasing the Patreon private version about a month later on here for free. Currently the Patreon version is on 0.05 which released on the 8th of January, not even a month ago.
Most of the time the free version on here is the latest version because it takes me quite a bit longer than 1 month to create a new update.
Please stop spamming for a free version, the latest Patreon release was on the 8th of January, not even a month ago. I always post the new update for free about a month after i post it on Patreon.
I downloaded the v0.5 on Patreon and I wanted to say, if you're debating getting it early and supporting the dev, it has a ton of new content and is absolutely worth the $5.
On the front page it says what is updated in the latest release. Just keep in mind that those things are changed in 0.05 which is on Patreon, the free version is 0.04 still.
it’s one I seen mentioned in a game on this site called handler hazing. the choices for weight gain focus are: strawberry, apple and pear. You already know the other two with it being stomach and Butt focuses. Strawberry focuses on breasts. It’s still weight gain just it’s more emphasis on the breasts.
well just to make sure we understand it’s a body type not the actual food but good to hear cause my favorites thus far are the ones considered hourglass ones, specially the streamer I want more of her content especially
I liked the idea of sumo very much. I suggest for each type of tournament, for example, Strawberry vs. Strawberry. Are sumo wrestlers characters we know, or can we participate in any character from the story, for example, Streamer Lina, or because she is known, she cannot do that, and when will you make this a crazy idea in a game cuz for sure that will be the most thing i will play
do you have an idea of what the fattest everyone will be? like, is Daisy as fat as she'll be or will there be more stages? also, will we be able to introduce Marie into the spoiler? (With Daisy, Luna and Cayenne, don't want to spoil folks)
Let's just say that all characters still have ways to go. Going double there weight from now isn't too far fetched. All characters will at some point be included in the spoilers lol
Would be nice to have a gallery to see again all the progression unlocked (i.e. some standing poses of the characters from the first stage to their final one)
Actually, you could use pregnancy as a means/"excuse" to grow the boobs of characters such as Daisy--conveniently keeping their bigger boobs after childbirth! ^^
While the idea is great, it would be far too much work to create alternate versions of Daisy her models with bigger boobs. The way the programming works makes every character limited to 1 predefined weight gain route. So your suggestion would only work if she would become pregnant in the main story, but i want to keep pregnancy and any other secondary fetish optional.(As a separate route, or a post game addition.)
At a certain stage, a fat belly is going to look pregnant-like, anyway, so just use that as a branching point (so that you don't even need to spend time rendering a more believable pregnant-looking belly).
Next, in its simplest form, just show a "before/after pregnancy" scene--same belly size but one render with "default" boobs and the other with larger ones.
For the remaining stages in the "pregnant" route, just use the same increasing belly sizes as in the "default" route, but with bigger boobs--effectively meaning you'd just have two renders for each stage.
if ( Daisy_pregnancy==true && if Daisy_stage>=30 ) { /* show the alternate set of renders and physical attributes*/ }
Of the many VNs that I've (painstakingly) tried (to get behind), I think this one is going to stay a favourite... :)
Any plan to harmonise measurement units, and either show only metric or only imperial? Currently, weight/mass in kilograms looks odd with distances in inches--well, except height (also metric). I presume the cup size you show is in the US format--but that will be harder to convert...
Yeah, i am trying to get both metric and imperial in the game and then let the player decide what they want. Where i am from we for some reason measure circumference of bodyparts in inches while we use the metric system for everything else so this is why it is like that right now. Cupsizes are based on the US sizes from sizechart.com
Does anyone know whats the latest "nonfree" version is and where to get it? I love this game hopefully the creater looks forward to update this masterpiece frequently!
The Patreon release and the Free release are the same right now. Next update is planned to release end of december and will be Patreon only for a while.
Finished all the content so far, And i loved pretty much all of it. One small gripe, though: The diner guests seem to be luck-based, and RNG screwed me over pretty bad (2.5k earnings and nobody else to spend it on). Could we maybe get scheduled visits for diner-exclusive NPC's like Maya?
Hello, the bunny bites encounters are made to help characters gain weight but weren't intended to be the only way to do this. Next update will see some of these characters that currently can only gain through Bunny Bites get their own repeatable ways of gaining weight. This way you would no longer be reliant on just Bunny Bites.
It can't be unlocked, but I've seen her ass grow. So you're working on it and I'm waiting for updates. And what about Hari? Will it also be possible to unlock it in the next updates?
I discovered in a certain game file (that you might want to change to 'csv' format, BTW) a reference to a character called Paige. ^^ I see that Caroline has a planned progression, too. I can't wait to see Luna's evolution--I see one of her attributes is going to be absolutely insane, and I want more like her! <3
Hey, right now every update will break all saves from the previous update. That means that you will have to start over, sorry. But on a positive note, you will get to witness Daisy her reworked content!
Loving the game so far. would it be possible for us to get a "this is all the content we have For (insert girl) right now" message to let us know when we're done and ready to focus more on other chartacters?
Oh, I'm sure the MC could learn of a recipe that would include tons of fenugreek (and similar ingredients) and characters like Daisy would become top-heavy in no time (and imagine what it would do to Luna who is already "blessed")! \m/
← Return to game
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I just want to ask, is Trista available to interact with outside the cafe? I noticed that she is one of the characters who can get a double order and/or the fattening solution, but she doesn't seem to have a stats screen like the rest who have those options. Am I missing something, or are you not able to see her stats yet?
From my multiple playthroughs, nope. She doesn't even ever get bigger. You can hit her with double order with the fattening solution a hundred times and she will never gain a pound.
Trista has no content yet in 0.05
She will get a lot of content in 0.06.
Alright, thank you for the information. Out of curiosity, will she be a pear build? And will there be other pear-shaped women in future updates? I'm very partial towards the bottom-heavy ladies, so it would be great to have more than just Bonnie. If not, no biggie, it won't detract from the fact that this is by far one of my favorite WG Ren'py games out there. Keep up the good work!
Trista is the ultimate pear, it might even be a bit too much.
In terms of other bottom heavy girls, you have Sally from the hospital, Rebecca and in the future Hari will be added.
A'ight, good sh*t. And, at least in my eyes, there's no such thing as too much pear, but to each their own.
best game ever!!!!
I'm not too far into .05, but what i've seen of the new content is pretty great. i think my current complaints are that you have to pay to check out books, that the PC has to have sex, noodle Daisy hanging out on the stats screen, the lack of metric, and that Luna takes off her glasses as much as she does. also the person lifting Katrine is definitely not the stud muffin PC shown in the sex scenes. good VN regardless of these issues or my thoughts though
Yeah, I noticed that too where Daisy's original body type stays on the stat screen for not just get character, but all characters.
Would be nice to see progression of all characters in the stat screen. Maybe even seen a slideshow of their progression as a bonus feature. That would be a nice plus.
Thanks for leaving this great feedback,
The Katrine dude is the old PC, because i will rework Katrine her content completely i left in the old scenes. In 0.06 the stats screen will show the character that is selected with their current weight gain stage. You can toggle off scenes in preferences if you don't enjoy these.
The coming Luna events will have her with glasses on :P
Idk if i want to make books free, i will have to think about it.
oh, i wasn't suggesting making the books free, i just think it should be a book store instead of a library, as library implies checking books out for free, at least to me.
True, that does make sense. I could probably rename it to book store.
Well, i has open the game and i play for like, 15 minutes... and i realise this use the imperial system. So can you add a metric system? As a non-american, this will help a lot.
Toggle for Imperial/Metric is planned for the next update.
I like Bonnie. Pear is my favorite😍
But the wait (or should I say, "weight") is totally worth it! 😊
YAY! 🥰
You realise that with the development of that molecule in the lab, you'll definitely have to add pregnancy to the game, yes? It's to see if its effects will carry over to offspring. For science, as always! (So, instead of characters like Katrine sporting an I cup at age 34, they would have such a bust size by the time they're, say, 15. So, by the time they're 18 they'd be, well, massive or something... 😈😈😈😈)
Actually, since you've got a lab going, I'm sure the MC would appreciate research that could encourage the growth of some parts of his body... Maybe become muscular much faster... Growing a "third leg"... 😈
Your game looks incredible! Can't wait to see what's coming next! Best of luck with Your game! ^_^
Hey, I hope this isn't weird, but can you release the image renders of bonnie? I love the character but I can't really enjoy her appearances since the text boxes blocks some parts of her body.
Maybe all image renders of all her stages and more if possible.
Also, would Bonnie ever get more stages of weight gain? Seems like only Daisy is getting nearly 20 stages.
Sorry if I'm asking too much of you. I really like Bonnie and your work in general.
Thank you and have a good day.
If you press the middle mouse button the boxes should disappear
I play on Android. Thanks though.
Swipe down to hide ui on android.
Swipe down? On the screen? It makes the game continue to the next image.
The dark textbox is the bane of Android games. Could you do a transparent textbox with an outlined font?
Every girl will get more stages still, right now the game is in early alpha so there is still lots to come.
For mobile i will still be tweaking around with the textbox and hiding it whenever we get to some juicy scenes.
I'm considering to release a folder of all images on my Patreon.
I might be wrong but he just Released 0.10.0 why are we that many updates behind? Shouldn’t we be one or two updates behind instead of 6 too 5 Updates.
Hey, I always stick to the same plan of releasing the Patreon private version about a month later on here for free. Currently the Patreon version is on 0.05 which released on the 8th of January, not even a month ago.
Most of the time the free version on here is the latest version because it takes me quite a bit longer than 1 month to create a new update.
thanks for answering my question. Sorry if I came at you so harsh if you took it that way. I many just wanted to know the schedule.
sorry, but how many years will you have to wait for the free version of the update 00.5 to come out
Please stop spamming for a free version, the latest Patreon release was on the 8th of January, not even a month ago.
I always post the new update for free about a month after i post it on Patreon.
thanks a lot for the answer
please tell me when the free version of the 0.05 update will be available
I downloaded the v0.5 on Patreon and I wanted to say, if you're debating getting it early and supporting the dev, it has a ton of new content and is absolutely worth the $5.
What's actually updated?
On the front page it says what is updated in the latest release.
Just keep in mind that those things are changed in 0.05 which is on Patreon, the free version is 0.04 still.
It seems to me that in 1 or 2 weeks there will already be a free version available
will there be a free version of the game
no inflation version.
so we have apple, hourglass and pear. is there any intent for strawberry or is it replaced by hour glass? not upset just curious if there is any?
it’s one I seen mentioned in a game on this site called handler hazing. the choices for weight gain focus are: strawberry, apple and pear. You already know the other two with it being stomach and Butt focuses. Strawberry focuses on breasts. It’s still weight gain just it’s more emphasis on the breasts.
I see, well in that case the next updates brings enough strawberries to feed all the contestants in a sumo wrestling tournament for a whole year.
well just to make sure we understand it’s a body type not the actual food but good to hear cause my favorites thus far are the ones considered hourglass ones, specially the streamer I want more of her content especially
I liked the idea of sumo very much. I suggest for each type of tournament, for example, Strawberry vs. Strawberry. Are sumo wrestlers characters we know, or can we participate in any character from the story, for example, Streamer Lina, or because she is known, she cannot do that, and when will you make this a crazy idea in a game cuz for sure that will be the most thing i will play
Haha yesss
why I dont hear the game?
There is no audio in the game.
where is the update
On patreon in about a week.
I really want a continuation of the story from the Lyn
Will Lun come back after her bra came off
Yeah, in a future update she will come back.
do you have an idea of what the fattest everyone will be? like, is Daisy as fat as she'll be or will there be more stages? also, will we be able to introduce Marie into the spoiler? (With Daisy, Luna and Cayenne, don't want to spoil folks)
Let's just say that all characters still have ways to go. Going double there weight from now isn't too far fetched.
All characters will at some point be included in the spoilers lol
I noticed that in the latest version there is no Study button, and because of this it is impossible to increase knowledge
That stat doesn't appear to be used, anyway... (Not yet?)
I must have glossed over this comment, like eekh1982 said, the knowledge stat isn't used yet so i removed the study option for now.
Would be nice to have a gallery to see again all the progression unlocked (i.e. some standing poses of the characters from the first stage to their final one)
Great idea, i will make this possible in a future update.
Do you plan to add pregnancy in this game?
Pregnant Fat Bitches in this would be 10/10! not gonna lie!
Yes, at some point i will add a optional pregnancy branch for a couple characters.
I absolutely agree I totally think it should be optional because some people will just complain about Pregnancy being in the game. lmfao
Actually, you could use pregnancy as a means/"excuse" to grow the boobs of characters such as Daisy--conveniently keeping their bigger boobs after childbirth! ^^
While the idea is great, it would be far too much work to create alternate versions of Daisy her models with bigger boobs. The way the programming works makes every character limited to 1 predefined weight gain route. So your suggestion would only work if she would become pregnant in the main story, but i want to keep pregnancy and any other secondary fetish optional.(As a separate route, or a post game addition.)
Hm... Maybe the following could work:
if ( Daisy_pregnancy==true && if Daisy_stage>=30 ) { /* show the alternate set of renders and physical attributes*/ }
How do you get Cayenne sex scene? I got her to stage 11 but even if I stop feed her the game just skips throug
I made a mistake while programming, i will have it fixed in the next update.
Of the many VNs that I've (painstakingly) tried (to get behind), I think this one is going to stay a favourite... :)
Any plan to harmonise measurement units, and either show only metric or only imperial? Currently, weight/mass in kilograms looks odd with distances in inches--well, except height (also metric). I presume the cup size you show is in the US format--but that will be harder to convert...
Yeah, i am trying to get both metric and imperial in the game and then let the player decide what they want. Where i am from we for some reason measure circumference of bodyparts in inches while we use the metric system for everything else so this is why it is like that right now.
Cupsizes are based on the US sizes from sizechart.com
Does anyone know whats the latest "nonfree" version is and where to get it?
I love this game hopefully the creater looks forward to update this masterpiece frequently!
Hello, Glad to hear you enjoyed the game.
The Patreon release and the Free release are the same right now.
Next update is planned to release end of december and will be Patreon only for a while.
Ok ty
Finished all the content so far, And i loved pretty much all of it. One small gripe, though: The diner guests seem to be luck-based, and RNG screwed me over pretty bad (2.5k earnings and nobody else to spend it on). Could we maybe get scheduled visits for diner-exclusive NPC's like Maya?
Hello, the bunny bites encounters are made to help characters gain weight but weren't intended to be the only way to do this. Next update will see some of these characters that currently can only gain through Bunny Bites get their own repeatable ways of gaining weight. This way you would no longer be reliant on just Bunny Bites.
sounds great! Looking forward to it.
How do you unlock Trista
Trista cannot be unlocked in 0.04, she will get content in future patches.
It can't be unlocked, but I've seen her ass grow. So you're working on it and I'm waiting for updates. And what about Hari? Will it also be possible to unlock it in the next updates?
Hari is planned for 0.06
I discovered in a certain game file (that you might want to change to 'csv' format, BTW) a reference to a character called Paige. ^^ I see that Caroline has a planned progression, too. I can't wait to see Luna's evolution--I see one of her attributes is going to be absolutely insane, and I want more like her! <3
I have nothing to hide haha, if people want to dive into the files they can do that.
I downloaded the 0.04 version, took my saves from the 0.03 one and when I tried to open the stats it showed this error:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 170, in script
$ ui.interact()
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 170, in <module>
$ ui.interact()
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 32, in execute
screen StatsUI():
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 32, in execute
screen StatsUI():
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 35, in execute
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 95, in execute
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 98, in execute
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 111, in execute
text "Stage: [selectedCharacter.stage]/[selectedCharacter.maxstage]"
File "game/01Base_Stats.rpy", line 176, in __getattr__
return super(BaseStatsObject, self).__getattr__(key)
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute '__getattr__'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 170, in script
$ ui.interact()
File "renpy/ast.py", line 1131, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "renpy/python.py", line 1052, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 170, in <module>
$ ui.interact()
File "renpy/ui.py", line 299, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3377, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs) # type: ignore
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3804, in interact_core
root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 582, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 582, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 582, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 582, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 451, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3804, in <lambda>
root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 462, in per_interact
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 653, in update
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 32, in execute
screen StatsUI():
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 32, in execute
screen StatsUI():
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 35, in execute
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 95, in execute
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 98, in execute
File "game/custom_screens.rpy", line 111, in execute
text "Stage: [selectedCharacter.stage]/[selectedCharacter.maxstage]"
File "renpy/text/text.py", line 1688, in _scope
return self.set_text(self.text_parameter, scope, self.substitute, update)
File "renpy/text/text.py", line 1712, in set_text
i, did_sub = renpy.substitutions.substitute(i, scope, substitute)
File "renpy/substitutions.py", line 278, in substitute
s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs) # type: ignore
File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 563, in vformat
File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 585, in _vformat
File "renpy/substitutions.py", line 168, in get_field
obj, arg_used = super(Formatter, self).get_field(field_name, args, kwargs)
File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 652, in get_field
File "game/01Base_Stats.rpy", line 176, in __getattr__
return super(BaseStatsObject, self).__getattr__(key)
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute '__getattr__'
Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64
Fattening Career 0.04b
Mon Nov 28 15:58:15 2022
Hey, right now every update will break all saves from the previous update.
That means that you will have to start over, sorry.
But on a positive note, you will get to witness Daisy her reworked content!
Loving the game so far. would it be possible for us to get a "this is all the content we have For (insert girl) right now" message to let us know when we're done and ready to focus more on other chartacters?
Yeah i should make this, for now you can check the stats page to see if you hit the max stage.
Will there be a walk through made at some point?
Yes, but probably not until version 0.1, which is about 3 updates away.
Right now there is too much content W.I.P to make a walkthrough.
makes sense
suggestions on how to make daisy's tits bigger?
Daisy her body type makes it so she pretty much only gain weight around her waist. Other characters like Luna get big breasts.
Oh, I'm sure the MC could learn of a recipe that would include tons of fenugreek (and similar ingredients) and characters like Daisy would become top-heavy in no time (and imagine what it would do to Luna who is already "blessed")! \m/
Will we still be able to see Leanne's streaming after reaching stage 11? Or has her account been permanently banned?
In a later update she will return to streaming.
Can anyone give me some advice?
What kind of advice do you need?
I'm stake with the late ish game.
Maybe you reached the end of all the content in 0.03?
What part are you stuck at?
and you can ask this question, will version 0.04 ever be available for free?
Yes after a while i will release it for free.
I really like what you have so far on this, and I’m looking forward to seeing future progress.