The Gain Trials 1.6 Update

Update 1.6 is released for The Gain Trials.

This update is very much a work-in-progress build for the game to gather feedback.

Feel free to leave feedback about this release, I would highly appreciate it.

Update 1.6 changed to following :

  • Includes the first 6 stages for Tracy and Krystal, and the first 7 stages for Sarah.
  • Nearly all dialogue is rewritten.
  • New mixing minigame.
  • Two new characters added with whom you have some interactions.
  • Loads of new images and animations.


The Gain Trials 1.6 Windows Version 1.6 GB
May 13, 2024
The Gain Trials 1.6 Mac Version 1.6 GB
May 13, 2024
The Gain Trials 1.6 Linux Version 1.6 GB
May 13, 2024
The Gain Trials 1.6 Android Version 1.3 GB
May 13, 2024

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Thanks for the update. This is my feedback: 

  • The lack of interactivity/choices in the beginning did hurt my enjoyment. But what was eventually offered did intrigue me. 
    • While it would be neat to see many different effects from all the mixing combinations, that amount of work is probably better spent on another game focused on that. 
    • I'm eager to learn more about Heidi and Karren.
  • On the subject of Karren, her dialogue felt repetitive with her reminding you to push the test subjects' limits almost every time she talked to you.
  • With a smaller cast than Fattening Career, it's a bit more relaxing not having to keep track of as many characters ๐Ÿ˜…
  • The animations are nice.



You are asking for feedback, so I'll gladely give you one.

Precision, I played the previous version a few months ago. 

I really like the game so far as it is really qualitative in what it offers. 

Now for the points that I am not sure about. The story choices don't seem to have an impact yet, so I don't really know where it will lead us, but I appreciate that it was added. Then the creation of the mixture is interesting as it adds interactivity, but is a bit disruptive to the rest of the game that is more straight-forward. 

Also I noticed that the 3rd section of the mix was worded a bit differently. The 1rst and 2nd section's indications are more about what should be done or not, while the 3rd section is worded as how the optimal/objective mix is (or should be). It isn't that much of a problem but can be a bit confusing. 

I'm not sure about the point of going back home for one dialog line each day except to show us that time is passing, but it may be related to something that will be implemented later. 

To conclude, I really like what I see in this game for the moment, and I also see what might be added later. I'm really intrigued by the beginning of the story even tho it is clearly incomplete at the moment. I am happy that  this game that was started during a game jam (if I remember correctly), is still being developped as its concept is really interesting.

It is one of the first post that I make for feedback so I don't know if I am supposed to do it here. Also English is not my first language so if I am not clear or understandable I apologise. And sorry for the wall of text.


Sorry for the late response, I didn't realize there were comments on the Devlog announcement thing.

Thank you for delivering such detailed feedback, this is exactly what I'm looking for.

I think you are right on the money with your comment about the 3rd ingredient following a different pattern in how the hints are worded which makes it a bit frustrating, I'll be changing that to be similar to the first two ingredients.

Going back home is just an indicator to show that you went on to the next day, there might be a better way to do that.

Your English is great, no need to apologize for that.


would be nice if the base lay-out for the game is set and there would be updates with new girls. maybe a good Idea to anounce a poll for this on your patreon? and anounce in discord server that there is a poll to vote?

I don't know how detailed the poll should be but shape, personality and overall looks would be nice :)


I'd like to deliberately get the mixtures "wrong" with the intent of drastically boosting breast growth... ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ And then just brand it as an "accident"...

Also, I think we can all agree that Heidi should, well, join... ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š