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Good evening everyone. Does anyone know the recipe with the ingredients for the chocolates??? Help please!!!!

You can go to the library to get the book to learn about it.


I downloaded the update and after a scene with Bonnie the game jumps straight to the opening menu.

Is this a bug or glitch? Should I put off playing the game til the bug is patched?


This bug is fixed in 0.10b. That is the only change in 0.10b compared to 0.10a.

is the blowjob from Lisa actually in 0.10 or is that just for the trailer?

Just for the trailer. I'm not sure that scene is ever going to be in the game. I'll have to make a new trailer at some point.


Would you ever consider releasing the VaM models of the girls?

I won't be releasing the VaM models. There are a bunch of things like hair, clothing, textures that I only have permission to use to make scenes for a visual novel, not to share the files with others.


Great game. Quite a few of the girls' stomachs get bigger than what I'm into so it's nice that you have some girls who focus more on breast/butt expansion.  I have high hopes for Rebecca to just have an insane porn star build. I've seen some pregnancy content slowly introduced so hopefully more of that as well!


I played the game and I enjoyed the updates especially Maya and the nurses story. I just wished that Maya weight gain didn't go to the belly and instead just her butt and breasts.

(1 edit) (+1)

I there a glitch with katrine scene when she at stage 10 or 11 weight. When she gets in the sauna in the middle of the scene it transitions to her use the dumbbells. 

New update baby💪

will Mayas story eventually be continued?


Thank you @bladerune9 for making such an awesome game with good graphics and an excellent storyline, I am out for some work and can't wait to reach home and play the latest update. I think the update is going to be worth the wait... :)

I had a bug on the mobile version, during Bonnie's event at stage 7 at the end the game crashes to the main menu and doesn't let me go any further. I think I'll just roll back the save and not touch Bonnie for now, but it's a bit of a shame

I'm glad you noticed the\update. Thank you for your prompt response

After a long scene with Bonnie (mirror) the game crashes to the menu. Android version.

I think maybe I should delete the updated game, reinstall it and start from the beginning. Some kind of bug, too bad (((


0.10b will fix your problem. You can use the same save.

Thank you, it worked!


Want to play but for some reason mega and mediafire won't let me download :(

Is there any reason that the game file wasn't uploaded to itch itself for download?

I suspect the large file size (~7 GB)...

It is too large to host on itch directly.


Minor bug in the 'stats' menu for Daisy: her breast weight just stays at the current value, regardless of the selected stage...

really excited everytime this game gets updated but.. do i have to restart the whole thing from the beginning all over again?

Yes if you want to avoid any glitches or crashes by loading saves from previous versions...

Great update so far, only issue is after a new bonnie event, the game takes us back to the title screen, unable to continue the game. I'm sure that isn't the end  because I am not even close being done with all the girls stories. hope to hear about it soon, thanks


Yeah I just found the issue with that event. I'll get a updated version out in like 2hours.

I appreciate the quick reply, thank you very much

A full download? :(


Iza Boni the game crashes


on androids for sure


Do you plan on adding new stages ? And will you go as far as immobility for some ? I'm curious :)

Great game as always !


is there an approximate release date for version 10?

about a month after patreon release 

Deleted 129 days ago

its been a month already :c


This weekend I'll release it for free.


I've been itching to play it! Thank you!

(1 edit)

in bladerune we trust

thank you sir....


This is a fabulous game <3

Can I pay for the patreon edition? Like a deluxe edition?


I was playing this at five in the morning after a couple of cans,istg I thought it was a dream of mine lol

Will the girls have different numbers of stages or will they have the same amount of stages?


They will all end up with different amount of stages. It mostly depends on bodytype and how much they gain from stage to stage.


Looking forward to the free release. Any chance we can get a way to skip the grind at the diner? It gets really old having to do it over again each update.


when will be the public release

He said probably in November.

3-4 week after patreon release

That is such a looooooong time.


better then never


Waiting is worst because if it was never we would at least know that it is not going to happen until we pay for the game

its been more than a month?


You are lucky to even get it for free. Should be paid content.


You're lucky you're even getting to play the game for free. 

Quit whining.


Quick question is there pregnancy in this? Cause Im sucker for cute things 

No pregnancy.

But Natalie would be disappointed... 😅😉

我从 0.01 开始就一直在玩这个游戏。这是我玩过的最好的游戏之一,每个角色都有自己的特点。


你可以认为我只是在抱怨,但如果你能看到并回答我的问题,我将不胜感激。请允许我再说一遍,我真的很喜欢这个角色。我很伤心,因为我还没有看到她的新舞台。我想新来的女孩可以等一等。现在是时候给 Daisy 增加一些重量了!

how well do old saves work on the newest update? i don't wanna replay the whole game everytime new content drops. if it's an issue that can't be dealt with, could you maybe add some form debug or cheat menu?


Old saves really break the game with these updates that go and add content to existing stages.
I understand not wanting to start from the beginning again.
My advise would be to wait a year or so between going back to play the game. Then there should be so much new content scattered around the game that playing from the start feels fresh again.

At some point in the future, when the game reaches a beta state, save compatibility between updates will be a thing.


Hi! I'm from Russia. I really like your game. But unfortunately, due to political reasons, I can't pay on Patreon to get the latest version. Is there any other option to pay and play the latest version? Thank you!


There is no other option currently.
I know not everyone is able to pay for various reasons, so I do release updates for free after a month or so.

it is possible to show the measurements for each stage instead of only viewing the stage they are in currently?


This is planned to be added to the game.

@Bladerune9 I like the game but I am going to have to wait to play the update only because I October is going to be busy. 

when's the public release


I think he said on a forum it will be 3 or 4 weeks after the Patreon release.


In update 0.11 could you add more Hari events?




I love this game, for a future update, would it be possible to add more girls to the costume contest stream? id especially love to see Trista, Daisy, Hari, and Katrine. and id love to share some ideas on how they would be included if you're interested.

Super excited for the 0.10 update BTW

Katrine mentions that she likes it when the MC is a bit mean, is expanding on that planned for the main game? Not looking for anything overly cruel, but some more teasing options would be fun. 

It's not going to be the end, possibly at the middle or hopefully at the start of the new k numbers

Do you plan to translate the game into Spanish?


curious if you don’t mind answering, do you plan for a “immobile” event for any of the girls?


Loving the game! Been following for a long time and was just curious on the next update release ETA.

Just wanted to say that I love the game so far, aren't many fetish games like this. besides that, I just wanted to say that I've noticed while playing the game the screen flashes black every now and then for a moment or two. I've also seen a black triangle cover half the screen and then disappear.

It doesn't cover anything or effect the game mechanically as far as I can tell but it is very noticeable

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